10 Ways To Get Your Probiotics Naturally Through Food

10 Ways To Get Your Probiotics Naturally Through Food-

Discover 10 Ways To Get Your Probiotics Naturally Through Food

The top 10 ways to get your probiotics naturally through food include:

1. Yoghurt – Live-cultured yogurt is the best known probiotic food, especially if it’s homemade yogurt. Read the labels and make sure the ingredients in the yogurt are not equal to ice cream. Unhealthy ingredients include things like high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and artificial flavours.

2. Miso soup – This Japanese food is often used as a digestive regulator. With the addition of the miso in some hot water, it creates a very probiotic-rich soup.

10 Ways To Get Your Probiotics Naturally Through Food

10 Ways To Get Your Probiotics Naturally Through Food

3. Sauerkraut – This is made with fermented cabbage which makes it rich in healthy live cultures. With the incorporation of sauerkraut in your diet, you can help reduce any of your allergy symptoms. Not only that, but sauerkraut also has an abundance of vitamins including vitamin C, A, B and E.

4. Kefir – This fermented dairy product is very similar to yogurt. It’s a combination of goat’s milk and fermented kefir grains. Packed with high amounts of lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria, this goat milk and kefir grain mixture is also rich in antioxidants.

5. Kombucha – This is a type of fermented tea that has a high level of healthy gut bacteria. It is used by many people to increase their energy, enhance well-being, and help lose some extra pounds.

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6. Microalgae – Although this isn’t considered to be a food, you can add this to your smoothies. This is considered to be a super-food.

7. Pickles – This is another great source of probiotics. The less commercialized the pickle is, the better it is for you. But no matter the type of pickle, there is almost always some microbial value.

8. Tempeh – Instead of eating meats or tofu, try substituting them with tempeh. It’s a fermented, probiotic grain made with soy beans. There are also many ways to eat it. You can crumble the tempeh up and put it on salads, it can be sautéed, or it can be baked.

9. Poi – This Hawaiian food is teeming with bacteria (even more than yogurt). It hasn’t officially been recognized as a pro-biotic food but since has so much good bacteria in it, it can be classified as a probiotic.

10. Kimchi – This is an Asian dish and it’s a form of pickled sauerkraut. It contains plenty of good bacteria but it also has high amounts of beta-carotene, calcium, vitamins C, A, B1, and B2, and high amounts of iron. It is a spicy food so if you can handle the spice, it’s a good probiotic to add to your diet.

There are many foods that contain probiotics. Most of the bacteria in your body lives in your gut. With the consumption of the right amount of food with probiotics, you can make your gut work well. 

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To get your probiotics naturally, eat these ten foods. They contain high amounts of good bacteria which will greatly increase the efficiency of the digestive and immune systems in your body. These foods are great for your body and great for your taste buds!

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