Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues

Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues-

Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues and You…

If you are experiencing digestive problems along with some discomfort, you could have Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues and an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your gut. Many ongoing health problems are overlooked, and the health problems the person is having can be related to many different things. And sometimes those things can lead to worse things if not treated.

Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues

Bacterial Imbalances Health Issues

Some health problems that are caused by an imbalance of bacteria include:

• An unhealthy digestive flora – This can be caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria candida. This can also result in a weakness in the gut membrane. Healthy gut by-products will then be produced which helps to keep the intestinal lining strong, but without enough good bacteria, the intestinal tract becomes highly vulnerable to damage. This will then lead to inflammation, which can result in an ulceration. This will destroy the mucosal lining of the intestinal wall.

• Bacterial vaginosis – A woman’s vagina has a natural occurrence of bacteria, but there’s an even mixture of good and bad. When that bacteria is disrupted and the mixture between the good and bad bacteria is uneven, it causes bacterial vaginosis.

Approximately 16% of expecting mothers have bacterial vaginosis. Some women who have bacterial vaginosis don’t have any symptoms. But the women who do have symptoms may experience discharge with a strong and foul odour, vaginal discharge that may be white or grey in colour, vaginal itchiness, a painful or burning
sensation when urinating, and/or vaginal odour that is very strong, and with a fishy smell after sex.

If bacterial vaginosis is left untreated, it can lead to more serious illnesses.

These include:

1. Pelvic inflammatory disease – This is an inflammation of the female reproduction system. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries. Pelvic inflammatory disease can lead to many difficulties, including ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

2. Pregnancy complications – Many expecting mothers have had underweight babies because of bacterial vaginosis. It is also known to cause premature ruptures of the membrane which means that your water breaks too early.

3. A greater chance at getting a sexually transmitted disease – Women who are infected by bacterial vaginosis have a greater chance at contracting HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea.

4. Increased risk of infection – There is a greater chance that after surgery, women affected by bacterial vaginosis may develop an infection afterwards. Those infections typically attack the reproductive system.

If you experience any symptoms, consult your doctor. They’ll prescribe either oral antibiotics, or you’ll get medication in the form of a cream which will be inserted into your vagina. Be sure to use all your antibiotics and listen to what your doctor says. If you don’t, there’s a good chance that you’ll get bacterial vaginosis again.

If you suspect that you have any of these illnesses, see your doctor. It’s important to get the problem fixed before it gets worse and leads to something more serious.

Take care of your body. There are ways to prevent these things from happening. Taking probiotics will help. Bacterial imbalances happen when taking antibiotics, but probiotics can help erase the bad that the antibiotics can do to your body.

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