Low Calorie Devilled Eggs

Devilled eggs are one of those things where you may not initially be thinking they’re full of calories, but think about this. It’s not just the calories in the egg, it’s also the mayonnaise you put into the filling.

What if you could make a great low calorie devilled eggs without using a ton of mayonnaise ?

That pulls out so many calories!

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Try this recipe and you’ll never go back. It may sound a bit weird but trust me and give it a try.

1 dozen hard boiled eggs, chilled, peeled and cut in half (put the egg yolks in a bowl)
1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese
¼ cup low fat mayonnaise
3 tablespoons green onion
1 tablespoon dill relish
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon yellow mustard

Low Calorie Devilled Eggs

Low Calorie Devilled Eggs

1. In a medium sized bowl add the egg yolk, cottage cheese,mayonnaise , green onion, relish, and both mustards.

2. Mix until everything is well combined and creamy.

3. Spoon the mixture into each half egg white. Make sure you have enough that all 24 egg pieces are about even.

4. Sprinkle paprika on the top of each.

5. Let cool in the fridge for 30 minutes (covered) before serving.

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Here at Natural Health Kingdom, we are planning to add to the Healthy Recipe Section whenever we find anything that we consider worthy of your attention. If you come across any recipes you think our readers might like please forward them to us, for inclusion in this section.

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