Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

-Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

Is it possible to find Natural Remedies For Psoriasis?

Overcoming Psoriasis – The Hard Facts about Natural Remedies For Psoriasis.

Millions of people around the world suffer from psoriasis and the numbers show no signs of waning. In fact, every year, in the US alone over a 100,000 new cases are reported yearly.

Natural health remedies for Psoriasis

Natural health remedies for Psoriasis

Unlike vitiligo which is a rare skin condition, psoriasis affects roughly 2 to 3 percent of people worldwide. If you think of the global population, that number is quite staggering.

While psoriasis is not life-threatening, it can cause distress. The itching and burning sensations are unpleasant and nobody wants it as a permanent fixture in their life.

Over and above that, since it is a skin condition, it is highly visible. This can cause humiliation and create self-esteem issues for the sufferer.

The psoriasis condition ranges from mild to severe.

There are both medical options and natural remedies for psoriasis that are highly effective for treating psoriasis and putting an end to the problem or keeping it under control at the very least.

One of the best guides available for Natural Remedies For Psoriasis treatments is: Psoriasis Free For Life. It has sold thousands of copies and the official site is filled with positive reviews from former psoriasis sufferers.

Dealing with psoriasis using natural remedies is the best way to go about it because these remedies address the root cause of the psoriasis unlike normal topical medication which only treats the symptoms.

Curing yourself of psoriasis will mean treating the cause and eliminating it. Psoriasis creams and medications may be effective at preventing flare ups and mitigating the problem, but they’re just a short-term solution.

You can’t be slathering cream on your psoriasis patches for life… or taking drugs for that matter to treat the condition. Eliminate the cause and you will be psoriasis free for life.

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What is psoriasis and what are the causative factors?

In simple words, psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition. Unlike ringworm or yeast infections, psoriasis is not contagious.

Let me repeat that because there are a lot of people who think otherwise:

Psoriasis is not contagious.

There are 5 types of psoriasis and the most common one which afflicts over 80% of sufferers is known as psoriasis vulgaris. The skin usually develops reddish patches which are slightly raised and have a whitish, scaly appearance.

Many people find it mildly disgusting and automatically try to avoid accidentally coming into contact with a person suffering from this condition. While it’s a misconception that psoriasis is contagious, the fact remains that many people are put off by it.

This is definitely not good news for psoriasis sufferers who often do their best to hide the patches with clothing or make-up.

The skin patches are often found on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. The truth of the matter is that they can appear on any part of the body but these are the most common. These patches are known as plaque or lesions.

Many people are unable to distinguish psoriasis from eczema. Therefore, if you find these patches appearing on your skin, you should consult a doctor immediately to get a diagnosis.

Other types of psoriasis are:-

  • Inverse psoriasis
    The symptoms are small, red patches that tend to appear in skin folds. The reason for this is that these areas are warm and moist. These conditions are ideal for the condition to thrive.
  • Guttate psoriasis
    These are usually small, drop like lesions that have a light salmon pink colour.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis
    This is one of the more serious types of psoriasis that is characterized by pain, excessive itching and widespread redness. The good news is that only a very small number of psoriasis sufferers are afflicted with this.
  • Pustular psoriasis
    Like its name suggests, pustular psoriasis causes white pustules to appear on the red skin lesions. This type of psoriasis is relatively rare too.

Whatever the case may be, as long as a person has psoriasis, they will have skin that is itchy, cracks and has dry flakes. In serious cases, psoriasis can be disruptive to leading a normal life due to the pain and constant itching.

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The severity of the condition usually dictates the type of treatment your doctor will prescribe. Usually, psoriasis is categorized as mild, moderate or severe. The extent to which the lesions cover the body will decide the categorization.

  • Mild – Lesions cover 5% to 10% of body
  • Moderate – Lesions cover 10% to 20% of body
  • Severe – Lesions cover over 20% of body

It is imperative to immediately consult a doctor should these patches occur. Expecting them to clear up on their own will exacerbate the condition further. Psoriasis can get so severe that hospitalization can occur. It can be painful and cause disfiguration.

Treat it casually and you will end up a casualty. You must be proactive and take immediate steps to arrest the problem.

So why does psoriasis occur? Why do only some people get it?

Doctors and scientist have yet to discover what the exact cause of psoriasis is. This is one of those conditions that has left the medical industry stumped. However, with constant research, they have been able to establish a few facts.

Firstly, psoriasis is more than a skin condition that’s only related to the epidermis.

Secondly, it is believed that psoriasis is an immune disorder that occurs when certain cells become over-active.

Why Does Psoriasis Occur

The theory is that a person suffering from psoriasis has cells that are fighting an infection or healing a wound that isn’t there. The new skin cells created to repel bacteria and repair damage result in the plaques and skin lesions.

The main reason that some people get psoriasis while others don’t is a genetic one. While some people may develop psoriasis even if no one in their family has it; for the most part, certain genetic combinations may make a person more predisposed to developing psoriasis.

Other causative factors are:

  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Weak immune system
  • Cold, dry weather
  • Scratches, bites, skin injuries
  • Medications that interfere with the body’s autoimmune response
  • Alcohol
  • Sunburn
  • Infections such as strep throat, thrush, etc.
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Is Psoriasis a Permanent Condition?

You must be aware that psoriasis is a chronic condition. That means you will have it for life. Do not panic yet. There is hope.

While the condition is chronic, with the correct treatment, you can keep it at bay for years. In fact, Natural Remedies For Psoriasis are so effective that the psoriasis is usually unable to return with a vengeance.

Psoriasis first rears its ugly head when a person is young, usually during the adolescent years and early adulthood. It may occur in children or develop later in life, but most often, it appears as mentioned earlier.

The condition is an intermittent one. There will be flare ups and these will subside. The severity of the condition will vary depending on the factors that cause it.
If you’re very stressed out, you may get a flare up. If your immune system is down due to an infection, the lesions may pop up to say hi.

In most cases, there is a trigger.

This is the key to preventing psoriasis. Since this is a problem that can’t be permanently cured, the best way to deal with it will be to control the triggers that cause the flare ups.

There are many excellent guides such as Psoriasis Free For Life, an online best-seller which will show you exactly how to go about controlling the triggers and keeping them in check.

What the guides teach you to do is to have control over your psoriasis and not let it control your life. There are a ton of helpful practices and little lifestyle changes in the guide that you can use to keep this skin disorder in check.

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Once you have control over your psoriasis, you’ll not need to worry. The new habits that you have formed will be healthy and you’ll not be at risk of exacerbating your condition.

Since certain triggers cause psoriasis flare-ups, by controlling or eliminating them, that’s half the battle won.

You may not be able to make psoriasis vanish permanently but if you don’t worry about it any more and it’s not a threat, then it can be considered as a problem that is resolved.

Diagnosis and Medical Treatment Options

While it may be true that psoriasis is incurable, it is still treatable.

It is worth noting that the best person to diagnose if you have psoriasis or not, will be a qualified medical professional. Do not try to self-diagnose. You absolutely must see a doctor during the early stages so that the problem doesn’t escalate.

The difference between medical treatments and Natural Remedies For Psoriasis treatments is that medical treatments will be able to reduce the pain, itchiness and other symptoms very fast. If your lesions hurt or are itching like crazy, the best way to address the problem immediately will be to use topical and systemic treatments.

Do not try natural treatments or home remedies if you are in a lot of discomfort. While highly effective, these holistic treatments take time to work because they are fixing the problem from the “inside”.

The pain and itching are on the “outside”… So, immediate relief can be had with medical treatments.

The medical treatments while effective at treating the symptoms immediately have limited capabilities in preventing flare ups from re-occurring in the long run.

Your plan should be to use the medical treatments to address the immediate discomfort and once that is settled, you will adopt the natural treatments to control the psoriasis and prevent the lesions and patches from appearing again.

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When you consult a doctor for your psoriasis, he/she will probably prescribe a salicylic acid ointment to be applied to the affected areas. The salicylic acid will help to shed the psoriatic scales.

Depending on the severity of the condition, you may even be prescribed steroid based creams. These creams are excellent for relieving itching, reducing inflammation and blocking the over-production of cells that cause psoriasis.

There are side effects though. You may experience dry, thinning skin. Burning sensations may also occur. You should follow your doctor’s instructions closely.

For people who have psoriasis on the scalp, they may use coal-tar ointments or shampoos. These products work by impeding the growth of skin cells that cause the lesions.

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis of the scalp.

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis of the scalp.

However, some people may experience side effects such as folliculitis. Once again, consult your doctor before using it.

Besides ointments, there is also a unique method of treating psoriasis. It’s called light therapy. Usually, this treatment is best used in conjunction with topical ointments.

In the past, psoralen was used together with an ultraviolet A light to treat psoriasis. While effective, it raises the risk of skin cancer and this lasts for years even after you stop the treatment.

Since skin cancer is way more serious than psoriasis, doctors have opted to use ultraviolet B therapy instead. It is just as effective but a lot less dangerous.

If these treatments show no positive results, the doctor’s last resort will be to prescribe oral drugs. Usually, this is only done when everything else has failed. The reason for this is that the medications may affect the immune system and cause other problems. There is a risk involved with oral drugs.

Examples of such medications would be cyclosporine and methotrexate which are extremely effective at healing and clearing the lesions and patches. The downside is that they can cause negative side effects.

Your doctor will schedule a few appointments with you just to check on how your body is responding to the drugs and if there are all ill effects. Blood tests will be done to ascertain your condition.

There are several new oral drugs such as Humira, Stelara and Enbrel that have hit the market. These are pretty costly but highly effective. You can ask your doctor about these too.

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How to Treat Psoriasis Naturally

Before even trying the natural treatments out, there are 3 things you need to know:

  1. Natural treatments take time to work so you need to be consistent.
  2. What works for one person may not work for another. There is some trial and error involved.
  3. These are just a few of the many natural remedies. If you want a complete list of effective natural methods, you should get a good psoriasis guide to help you.

These methods vary in efficacy. However, many different people have reported that they have helped in alleviating the pain, reducing the itching, and most importantly, reduced or prevented flare ups from re-occurring.

Watch your diet

Your diet is everything. Most health problems and diseases can be prevented by eating a healthy, wholesome diet.

Like Hippocrates, said:

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

Diet Is Important

Avoid the junk food and processed foods that contain a multitude of chemicals, preservatives, additives, etc. You do not know how your body is reacting to these artificial ingredients.

Many psoriasis sufferers have reported seeing immediate benefits after they cleaned up their diet and ate in a healthy manner.

Studies have also proven that psoriasis causes nutrient deficiencies. So, sufferers should be extra careful and make sure they are consuming enough proteins, vegetables and folates. Also, stay hydrated and consume enough water daily.

You will also be less prone to excessive weight gain. People who gain excess weight have noticed an increase in the incidence of psoriasis breakouts.

Manage your stress well

Stress is a factor in many health problems. In our rat race society, just about everyone is stressed out and walking about with frazzled nerves. Stress can cause psoriasis lesions to appear.

Natural Remedies For Psoriasis - Stress

Natural Remedies For Psoriasis – Avoid Stress

Manage your stress with meditation, yoga, long walks, light music, etc. Do whatever it takes to de-stress. For one person, that might mean watching a comedy and for another, that might mean mountain climbing. Whatever the case is, make time to step out from the hustle and bustle of daily life and calm down.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol has been shown to cause psoriasis in those predisposed to the condition. If you have psoriasis, avoid the alcohol. Sometimes, not consuming something detrimental is more effective than consuming something beneficial.

Experience the wonders of apple cider vinegar

Mixing apple cider vinegar in your bath and soaking in it has been shown to improve the psoriasis condition remarkably.

It can also be a part of your diet. Mix some apple cider vinegar in warm water and honey and gulp it down once or twice a day. You will be treating your psoriasis internally too. This is a highly effective remedy.

Try acupuncture

While many people are sceptical about acupuncture, it has been shown to help. You will need to find a qualified practitioner who is skilled in the craft. In most cases, they will be Chinese.

Use aloe vera

Use natural aloe vera gel, preferably freshly squeezed from the plant, to apply on your lesions. The gel is soothing and has healing properties too.

You should also drink aloe vera juice to boost your health. Just like the apple cider vinegar, you will be fighting the battle on the inside too. Natural remedies are all about treating the problem from within.

In conclusion…

There are many other natural remedies such as tea tree oil, capsaicin, shark cartilage, foods to avoid, using oats, milk thistle, oregano oil, turmeric and much more that can be used to combat psoriasis effectively.

All these are beyond the scope of this short report. You really should invest in a psoriasis guide such as Psoriasis Free For Life. You will reap the rewards many times over just by applying the knowledge within.

What really matters is that you take action to fight the problem. The medications and ointments may work but do you really want to be reliant on them for the rest of your life?

Do you want to live life constantly fearing when a flare up may occur?

Of course not. The only way to prevent lesions and patches from appearing or at the very least, from appearing frequently, will be to use natural treatments to bolster your immune system and keep the psoriasis at bay. It can be done.

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Psoriasis is NOT a death sentence. Millions of people around the world have their psoriasis under control and live long, fruitful lives. You can be one of them.

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